Getting started

Supplier Onboarding Portal Icons-01 (1)

Submit your application

Start your application by clicking the ‘Supplier applications’ button in the top menu.

From here you will see a table with the Supplier Application form set up for you.

Click the drop-down button on the right-hand side and click ‘edit’ to complete the form.

Supplier Onboarding Portal Icons-03 (1)

We'll review your application

Once you complete your form, it will be sent to the Workspace team to review.

This will usually take around 2-3 weeks.

If we have any queries during this time, we'll be in touch to discuss.

Supplier Onboarding Portal Icons-02 (1)

Start work

Once all checks have passed, you'll be an approved supplier and can begin working with us.

Your Workspace contact will be in touch to give you the good news.

Helpful links